Friday, October 25, 2013

HOW THE T.E.A. PARTY MADE "THIEVES" OF AMERICANS In October, 2013, the TEA Party would prove its resolve, to take America to the "brink", by cllosing down the federal government over the partys insistence that National Heallthcare be "de-funded", or "gutted". When a compromise was reached, in mid-October, the TEA Party made sure that America knew that the "extension" was ONLY until New Years, 2014. The media would, even, report the possibility that, starting in January, 2014, not only was the TEA Party willing to shut down government, even longer than it had, in Octobber, but that the party was willing to consider stopping the disbursement, of Social Security checks, until National Healthcare was, completely, "gutted". As a result, of such information, many people, who, normally, relied on their monthly payments, would find their "backs to the wall", financially. While the TEA Party would spend the holiday season, vigorously campaigning about how, if the public wanted health coverage, all that individuals had to do was go out, and pay for coverage, out of their own pockets. The TEA Party would remind the public that there was no law, saying that people could not spend their own money, on health coverage. Problem is, Americans were listening to the media, not the party, and many Americans were pulling money not only out of retirement savings, but out of investment, and other, accounts, as well. This, the public did, as preparation for the drawn-out battle, which many people could see coming, in January, 2014. As a "back-up plan, to this money, many retiree's, and others, would begin to seek "alternative" monies. In many cases, this meant that retiree's, and disabled, people, were agressively seeking jobs, which would pay them CASH, for their work. CASH, which the people could use to pay bills, during the next shutdown. This would be a "boon", to "underground" employers, as they discovered a very ready, and willing, market, of workers, all willing to work for CASH. For the majority, of these people, it was a good thing they went into CASH employment, since the TEA Party kept its promise, and the January shutdown kept the government closed until January 22nd. By the 15th of January, the shutdown had lead to the federal, credit, rating being lowered to "rock bottom". The United States, was, officially, listed as a "horrible" credit risk. During the close down, and amid fears, of even worse, on the way, Wall Street was forced to close down all trading, as investors panicked, and pulled enough money, out of the market, to cripple the economy. Banks also had to declare "extended" holidays, as depositors began clearing out accunts. By January 22nd, some media sources said that the TEA Party was even less popular, outside of Texas, than Al Capone, "Baby face" Nelson, and other gangsters, of America's past, had been. What, I think, really hurt, most, was when atleast one reporter dared to print that even the Communists, and Facists, had better approval ratings, than the TEA Party had (outside of Texas). With two, "back-to-back", shutdowns, in Washington, CHina, and other nations, which, routinely, purchased American debt, now wanted additional guarantee's, on their purchases. Until the 2015 Inaugurals were completed, these, investing, nations were treating America like an AIDS/HIV victim. After the January shutdown ended, with the condition made, that the next extension not be made, for another three months, but, rather, only for two months. The goal would be to shut the government down, again, in March, 2014, if TEA Party demands were not met. What no one expected was what happened, next. Although the January extension was supposed to run until March, the TEA Party had built in a "kill switch", which they activated, on February 24-25, 2014. The "kill switch" shut Washington back down, and ahead of schedule, as well. In fact, it was just as Wall Street thought it was safe, to re-start trading, that a "kill switch" memo, went out, to investors. Still, by the time trading was halted, Wall Street had lost even more than in January, or in October. Although Wall Street would, never, admit this, the October shutdown had cost the market $100 billion, beyond what the federal shutdown had cost. Between holiday season fears, of a January shutdown, and the actual event, Wall Street would lose an additional $200 billion, as investors pulled out savings "just in case". In late February, Wall Street was just calming investors down, when the media reported that the TEA Party would not rule out yet another shutdown. Wall Street watched the market lose another $150 billion, as investors prepared for another "long haul", of government shutdown. Although the TEA Party's original demand was just the complete repeal, of National Healthcare, the TEA Party decided to "up the ante", by demanding the repeal, of both Medicare, and MedicAid, as well. A memo was even sent, to the White House, telling the president "You have a choice to make: Repeal National Healthcare, Medicare, and MedicAid, OR Repeal Social Security retirement, and Disability, enefits. Its YOUR choice, Mr. President. Let us know your decision, within 72 hours." When President Obama declared the memo "UN-constitutional", and its authors the "American version of the Taliban", the TEA Party said "No Problem. We will just keep the government closed down, until our demands are met". As a result, in March 2014, businesses, and agencies, closed down, as first federal, then state, workers, were "laid off, for the duration". Sure, the treasury was broke, as of March 15, 2014, but the TEA Party memebers didn't mind. Their membership had trillions of dollars, in off-shore, and foreign, accounts. By the end of March, the European Union wouild gather, in "emergency meeting", over America's fate, even as the TEA Party held its ground, firm and solid. The question, the world over, was "How LONG could America last, through such "grid-lock"?" The E.U. cnsidered an emergency aid package, or should they let the nation default, on its debts, and be placed on the auction block? As negotiations dragged on, in Washington D.C., oth Canada, and Mexico, closed their borders, and increased riot control presense, along their borders, with the U.S. Still, the TEA Party held firm, oon their demands. As the situation drew out, all airports in, and around, Washington D.C. had to be closed, due to reports of disgusted Americans, planning to march on the capital building, and take action, themselves. These rumors would lead to Capital Hill bbecoming a "ghost town", as the military moved into position, to repel angry Americans. During this strained time, President Obama would plead, publicly, for patience, saying that "Violence is not the answer". All that Americans could think abot was families going without food, clothing, and heat, due to un-paid utility bills, even as the TEA Party continued to hold firm, insisting that their actions woulld lead to a stronger, and better, American future. The TEA Partys position was clear. NO budget negotiations without draconian cuts.. It wuld not be until U.N. peacekeepers began arriving, at East Coast harbors, that the House of Representatives realized the gravity of the problem. When a U.N. oversight committee moved in, on Homeland Security, and moved the Americans OUT of the buildings, The UN. General Assembly would issue a memo, directly to Cogress: "You have exactly 30 days, to ratify a new budget, or the General Assembly will declare Martial Law, and administrate your affairs, FOR you". Shortly after this, some fool issued a response, which said "If you DARE to attack us, we will use nuclear weapons, to destroy YOUR cities". This message, though, was, barely, received, by the U.N., when a counter-message was sent, to the U.N. The second message pleaded with the U.N. to dis-regard the primary memo. The United STates had no intention of attacking anyone. Now, the TEA Party had the Democrats, the White House, the American people, and as many as 45, other, nations, all on their backs. Realizing there was no way to "win", or even "break even", TEA Party memers submitted resignation letters, condeming both the Democrats, and the "American trash", for refusing too save America's future, by abolishing National Healthcare, and Social Security. Within 24 hours, of these resignations, moderate Republicns, along with Demcrats, presented the White House with a compromise budget. This, while the TEA Party spent $700 million, on a national advertising campaign, condemning those who had opposed the TEA Partys efforts, at protecting A

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